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New Course at Perfect Picture School and a 15% discount

I’m excited about a new learning opportunity just starting at the Perfect Picture School of Photography. This new series of classes is called One on One with an instructor of your choice. I have been teaching a specialized 4-week Lightroom class there for almost 2 years, which is still happening every month. In this new class you have the chance to work with me one on one for 4 weeks covering just the Lightroom-related topics you are most interested in learning more about.

Lightroomers Guide to Lightroom

Ever since writing Lightroom for Dummies I’ve had the idea to teach a class based on the most common topics people are asking about. Topics they are either not finding covered in books or seminars or are just not covered in a format that allows them to ask questions and learn while doing. To that end I am extremely pleased to have the opportunity to teach that exact course in an online format through the Perfect Picture School of Photography (PPSOP)!