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Taming Lightroom Keyword Chaos

I don’t often get questions about how to apply keywords to photos, but I do hear from people who are struggling to regain a bit of order over an unruly keyword list, so it is to them that I devote this column. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand to wave and automatically fix a disorganized keyword list, you’ll need to roll up your sleeves, put the kettle on, and just get down to business.

New Course at Perfect Picture School and a 15% discount

I’m excited about a new learning opportunity just starting at the Perfect Picture School of Photography. This new series of classes is called One on One with an instructor of your choice. I have been teaching a specialized 4-week Lightroom class there for almost 2 years, which is still happening every month. In this new class you have the chance to work with me one on one for 4 weeks covering just the Lightroom-related topics you are most interested in learning more about.

Creating and Styling Black & White in Lightroom

I’m very pleased to be able to share an excellent guest post from Dan Moughamian on creating and styling black & white photos in Lightroom 3. Many thanks to Dan for taking the time to create this and share it with us. Enjoy!

NAPP Help Desk Featured

One of the many hats I proudly wear is a member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP) Help Desk. The Help Desk is a member benefit that allows you to send in all of your Photoshop and Lightroom related questions and get an answer back from one of us in less than 24 hours (typically same day).

Getting to the Lightroom Help Docs

With Lightroom 3 freshly minted and rolling out, I’ve heard from some folks using Lightroom 2 who are confused when they press F1 or go to Help > Lightroom Help from inside Lightroom 2, and wind up on a page that has a lot of info about Lightroom 3. Don’t despair! Adobe has not abandoned you.