Hope this finds you well. I’ve been working on a lot of things, including a new job, which has cut down on my time for writing here. I am excited to say that I will be teaching at Photoshop World 2022 at the end of August (Aug 30 – Sept 1), and am honored to be part of this amazing roster of 30 other educators.

There will be 3 tracks of classes running over 3 days covering Photoshop, Lightroom, and photography topics that are sure to increase your knowledge and improve your skills. It is all virtual this year (hopefully for the last time) so you can watch from anywhere, and you get 1 year of replays to enjoy over and over again, so you don’t even have to attend the live event. They even throw in a 6 month subscription to KelbyOne.

I hope you’ll consider joining us as they try to create a feel of a live conference with live Q&A, meetup events, after hours events, and more. Connect with instructors and other attendees while having fun and learning. Head over to the site to learn more and register! I’ll be online and learning those days too!