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Photoshop User Magazine December 2009 Issue is Out

dec09_large Always happy to see the new issue of Photoshop User sitting in my mailbox! This issue ends the year with Scott Kelby’s Gonzo Gear Guide, which is nothing short of gonzo. Time to update my Amazon wishlist!

In the Lightroom section you’ll find my Under the Loupe column where I cover the import backup function and give a shout out to ImageIngester as an interesting front-end to Lightroom. The reason I like ImageIngester is that it copies the video files from my card, has a function to embed GPS data from a tracklog while copying photos from my card and allows you to setup the structure of your backups to mirror your working file structure. Worth test driving the free trial if any of those things sound interesting to you.

The Creative Effects in Lightroom by Sean Duggan is the Lightroom feature this month and is both filled with practical tips and a creative kick in the pants. Matt Kloskowski covers some cool ways to use the Graduated Filter in his Under the Hood column. Chris Orwig covers the Tips & Tricks while RC covers the Q&A. Did you know that you can be considered for the Feature Photographer in an upcoming magazine issue? You can! This month features the awesome work of Jennifer Raudebaugh. Shoot an email to lightroom at photoshopuser dot com if you are interested.

While you can buy Photoshop User at most book store magazine racks for ten bucks a pop you’d be far happier (and smarter) to invest in a membersip with NAPP, which includes a subscription to all 8 issues of the magazine plus acesss to all the tips, tricks an tutorials on the NAPP member website and you can easily get back your $99 membership fee by taking advantage of the deals and discounts available to NAPP members (like free shipping from B&H and Adorama).

Keep your eye out for the January/Februrary issue for my feature article called Making Money with Lightroom, part 1: SEO for Lightroom Web Galleries, which has some cool (I think) tips for making your Lightroom web galleries more search engine friendly (and findable).